Extending social security to all. A guide through challenges and options
This document, which is a “Guide” to the ILO approach to social security policy development, has been compiled largely from the materials and deliberations of the Tripartite Meeting of Experts on Strategies for the Extension of Social Security Coverage (September 2009). It includes the contents of the Background Paper prepared for the meeting, together with the Chairperson’s Summary, as formulated at the closing of the meeting.
The document has two major parts:
- Part A sets out the development of a paradigm for the extension of social protection on the basis of an analysis of existing needs, existing old and new coverage patterns and the internationally recognized right to social security.
- Part B provides the evidence and information base for the policy consideration in Part A. It includes:
- a statistical analysis of the existing global coverage gap and describes a wide range of recent country experience with alternative methods to close the global coverage gap.
- an analysis, in the form of a compendium-synthesis, drawn from a new publication of the Social Security Department entitled “Effects of non-contributory social transfers in developing countries: a Compendium”.