Social protection assessment based national dialogue. Towards a nationally defined social protection floor in Indonesia
From April 2011 to November 2012, the ILO, in close collaboration with relevant line ministries and the UN subworking group on the social protection floor in Indonesia, engaged line ministries, UN agencies, social partners, civil society organizations, academia, and other relevant stakeholders to assess the social protection situation, identify policy gaps and implementation issues, and draw appropriate policy recommendations for the achievement of a comprehensive social protection fl oor in Indonesia.
The report provides for each of the SPF guarantees (access to health care and income security for children, the working age, people with disabilities, and the elderly) a number of policy recommendations to complete the social protection floor in Indonesia and guarantee income security across the life cycle. We estimate that the additional SPF provisions identified would cost between 0.74 per cent and 2.45 per cent of GDP by 2020.
The recommendations and cost projections contained in the report can inform on-going policy discussions in the framework of the implementation of the new social security law (Sistem Jaminan Sosial Nasional) as well as the further extension of anti-poverty programmes in Indonesia.
The report was officially launched by the ILO-Jakarta and the Indonesian Ministry of Planning, Bappenas, on 6 December 2012. With the launch of the assessment report, Indonesia becomes one of the first ILO member states to have taken concrete follow-up action immediately after the adoption of SPF Recommendation No. 202 at the International Labour Conference in June 2012 - a major achievement.