
System of National Accounts 1993

  • English
Eurostat, IMF, OECD, UN, WB
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This version of the System of the National Accounts is a comprehensive, consistent and flexible set of macro-economic accounts to meet the needs of government and private-sector analysts, policy makers and decision takers. It is designed for use in all countries, whatever their economic, social or institutional arrangements and stage of economic development. This SNA updates and clarifies the 1968 SNA and harmonizes the SNA with other sets of international standards in statistics, particularly balance of payments, government and other financial statistics and employment statistics. It deals more fully with the integration of balance sheets, lays the groundwork for dealing with interaction between the economy and the natural resources of the environment, and elaborates an analytical approach to the assessment of poverty through social accounting matrices.
The 1993 SNA was prepared jointly by Eurostat (Commission of the European Communities); the International Monetary Fund (IMF); the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD); the Statistical Division (UNSTAT), Department for Economic and Social Information and Policy Analysis, and regional commissions of the United Nations Secretariat; and the World Bank.

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