Rooted in Recommendation No. 202 and relevant Conventions (Nos. 102, 128, 130 and 183) and Recommendations (Nos. 131, 69, 134 and 191), the sustainability of social protection systems is one of the core ILO principles, together with the universality of coverage and the adequacy and predictability of benefits. To achieve sustainability, Convention No. 102 requires that Member States shall ensure that the necessary actuarial valuations concerning financial equilibrium are made periodically and, in any event, prior to any change in benefits or contributions rates. All social insurance laws provide for statutory periodical actuarial valuations every three to five years. Obviously, actuarial valuations should also be conducted prior to the establishment of a new social protection scheme. The ILO approach to good financial governance through actuarial valuations is to find the right balance between financial sustainability and the other ILO core principles.
The ILO’s approach in providing technical assistance on actuarial valuation is not limited to delivering a report on the actuarial valuation. When the capacity and the interest are there, the approach is also to build social security institutions’ staff capacity to conduct actuarial valuations themselves, completely or partially under the supervision of ILO experts.