The ILO promotes a holistic approach to the extension of social protection to migrant workers, refugees and their families, based on its normative framework and mandate to protect all workers. For this purpose, countries may consider the following policy options, which are not mutually exclusive:
- establishing or extending comprehensive, adequate, gender-responsive and sustainable social protection systems for all, including migrant workers, refugees and their families;
- ratification and application of relevant UN and ILO Conventions and Recommendations as a first step towards the domestication of the principles and standards therein;
- conclusion and enforcement of social security agreements to ensure coordination;
- inclusion of social security provisions in bilateral labour agreements or memoranda of understanding;
- adoption of unilateral measures, including ensuring equality of treatment or the establishment of national social protection floors to extend social protection to migrant workers, refugees and their families;
- complementary measures to address the administrative, practical, and organizational obstacles faced by migrant workers and refugees.
Social dialogue plays a key role in the development of social protection extension strategies and social partners should be actively involved in the planning, design and monitoring of all the above policy options.