The ILO actively supports governments and social partners to effectively formulate and implement national social protection policies and legal frameworks that contribute to the progressive achievement of universal social protection in line with SDG targets 1.3 and 3.8. This work is firmly grounded in the international standards adopted by ILO’s tripartite constituents, in particular the landmark Convention No. 102, Recommendation No. 202 and other up-to-date ILO social security standards.
Given that pursuing a rights-based approach is a major element conducive to the achievement of universal social protection, ILO’s support seeks to equip its Member States with tailor-made solutions for the development of social protection systems that are firmly anchored in law and at the same time are responsive to each country's social and economic circumstances and to the priorities determined at the national level, while remaining aligned with the core principles of international human rights instruments and ILO social security standards.
In particular, the ILO assists national counterparts in progressively designing and maintaining universal social protection systems, including by building the awareness of those involved in policy and legal development processes. In addition, given that international social security standards define the principles and minimum benchmarks that are the basis for building comprehensive, adequate and sustainable social protection systems, the ILO relies on these world standards, which represent its key comparative advantage to guide the establishment, maintenance and reform of these systems, including as regards the definition of coverage parameters, affiliation modalities and good governance.
Supporting the development of rights-based social protection systems also implies that the ILO should provide hands-on legal assistance for the revision and development of draft social protection legislation with the objective of promoting effective, adequate and sustainable systems that are based on clearly defined rights and obligations in line with the principles enshrined in international standards.
Finally, the ILO contributes to the development and enhancement of national capacities through technical workshops on international social security standards and legal drafting strategies, with a view to ensuring national ownership of social protection systems and legal frameworks.