The 108th Session of the International Labour Conference (ILC) adopted on 21st June 2019 the ILO Centenary Declaration for the Future of Work charting the way towards a human-centred future of work. The Declaration recognizes the central role of universal access to comprehensive and sustainable social protection for building a brighter future of work.
Social protection has been at the heart of the work of the 108th Session of the ILC in many respects:
- The Committee on the Application of Standards discussed this year’s General Survey, which provides a panorama of the country level implementation of the Social Protection Floors Recommendation No 202 and calls for full implementation of this instrument, including through national dialogue processes and technical assistance by the Office.
- Thematic Forums:
- 36 Heads of States and 9 high level personalities addressed the Centenary Session of the ILC, many of them highlighted the importance of social protection to securing transitions over the life course in a world of work affected by digitalization, demographic shifts, climate change and globalization. The President of France, Mr Emmanuel Macron, stressed the importance of developing universal social protection systems for all by 2030 in line with the Social protection Floors Recommendation, 2012 (No. 202). Watch the videos.
Have a look at the parallel activities related to social protection that took place during the ILC: