2019 December

Social Protection OUTLOOK - December 2019


Social protection at the forefront of the development agenda

The ILO has celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2019. It has been a thrilling year, with major achievements:



Policy Resource Package on Extending Social Security to Workers in the Informal Economy, ILO, 2019

Toolkit on ILO Social Security Standards: Learn, Ratify and Apply, ILO, 2019

Fiscal Space for Social Protection: A Handbook for Assessing Financing Options, I. Ortiz, A. Chowdhury, F. Durán-Valverde, T. Muzaffar, S. Urban, ILO/UNWOMEN, 2019




Measuring financing gaps in social protection for achieving SDG target 1.3. Global estimates and strategies for developing countries, F. Durán-Valverde, J. Pacheco-Jiménez, T. Muzaffar; H. Elizondo-Barboza, ILO, 2019

Towards universal social protection for children: Achieving SDG 1.3, ILO, UNICEF, 2019

Universal Social Protection: Key concepts and international framework, ILO, 2019

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Joint Statement: Towards inclusive social protection systems supporting the full and effective participation of persons with disabilities, ILO, 2019

100 years of social protection. The road to universal social protection systems and floors. Volume 1: 50 country cases, ILO, 2019

Building social protection systems: International standards and human rights instruments, ILO, 2019

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With social protection, we can build a brighter future

Social protection for workers in new forms of employment

Social protection and climate change

Social protection and human mobility

Social protection and green transition

Social protection to realize children's full potential

Social protection and ageing: adequate and sustainable old-age pensions

Social protection and long-term care

Adapting health protection for a globalized work

And as usual, many people continue supporting the #USP2030 campaign!