Social protection at the forefront of the development agenda
The ILO has celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2019. It has been a thrilling year, with major achievements:
- The ILO Global Social Protection Week, 25-28 November 2019, shaped the vision for the future of social protection and called for immediate action to guarantee universal, comprehensive, adapted and sustainable social protection systems that provide adequate levels of benefits for all:
- ILO report Measuring financing gaps in social protection for achieving SDG target 1.3: Global estimates and strategies for developing countries reveals that additional USD 527 billion per year, equivalent to 1.6 per cent of the GDP of developing countries, are needed to close coverage and adequacy gaps and guarantee a social protection floor for all.
- The ILO/UNWOMEN tool Fiscal Space for Social Protection: A Handbook for Assessing Financing Options, 2019, demonstrates that there are options to finance social protection even in the poorest countries.
- The 108th Session of the International Labour Conference (ILC) adopted the ILO Centenary Declaration for the Future of Work charting the way towards a human-centred future of work. The Declaration recognizes the central role of universal access to comprehensive, adapted, sustainable and adequate social protection for building a brighter future of work.
- The ILO Committee on the Application of Standards held discussions on the General Survey concerning the Social Protection Floors Recommendation, 2012 (No. 202) and called for full implementation of this instrument
- In 2019, Benin, Morocco and the Russian Federation ratified the Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1952 (No. 102) bringing up to 58 the number of countries that have ratified. Mauritius, Niger and San Marino have ratified the Maternity Protection Convention, 2000 (No. 183)
- The Partnership for Universal Social Protection (USP2030) held its first Membership Assembly and adopted its Governance Structure. 13 new members have joined the partnership in 2019.
- In 2019 ILO's Flagship programme on social protection floors has more than doubled its resource mobilization, thanks to new partnerships with the United Nations and the European Commission, among others. Private sector enterprises and foundations started supporting the ILO as well. For more information, see the 2019 annual report of the Flagship programme and the digital map
Policy Resource Package on Extending Social Security to Workers in the Informal Economy, ILO, 2019
Toolkit on ILO Social Security Standards: Learn, Ratify and Apply, ILO, 2019
Fiscal Space for Social Protection: A Handbook for Assessing Financing Options, I. Ortiz, A. Chowdhury, F. Durán-Valverde, T. Muzaffar, S. Urban, ILO/UNWOMEN, 2019
Measuring financing gaps in social protection for achieving SDG target 1.3. Global estimates and strategies for developing countries, F. Durán-Valverde, J. Pacheco-Jiménez, T. Muzaffar; H. Elizondo-Barboza, ILO, 2019
Towards universal social protection for children: Achieving SDG 1.3, ILO, UNICEF, 2019
Universal Social Protection: Key concepts and international framework, ILO, 2019
Joint Statement: Towards inclusive social protection systems supporting the full and effective participation of persons with disabilities, ILO, 2019
100 years of social protection. The road to universal social protection systems and floors. Volume 1: 50 country cases, ILO, 2019
Building social protection systems: International standards and human rights instruments, ILO, 2019