3rd National dialogue on social protection, evaluating the cost of social protection policy options, September 3-5 2014

A third national dialogue workshop on social protection took place on September 3-5 in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar.  During this workshop the cost of the proposed social protection scenarios (a product from the second national dialogue) were estimated and projected using the ILO Rapid Assessment Protocol (RAP), and served as a basis for discussion on available fiscal space, government budget reallocation, and the prioritization of different social protection options. 

This workshop is part of a social protection Assessment-Based National Dialogue (ABND) exercise aiming at provide technical inputs, which arose from wide consultations, for the extension of social protection and the progressive implementation of a national social protection floor. This will support the formulation of Myanmar’s national social protection strategy by the national technical working group on social protection chaired by the Ministry of Social Welfare and UNICEF.

A useful resource package has been created for conducting ABND exerices. This includes presentations, exercises, dialogues, modules, tutorials, etc.based on real country cases.

Information on the first national dialogue held on March 24th-26th, 2014 and the second national dialogue held on June 18th-20th.

List of participants

Social Protection Assessment Matrix (draft)

ABND Report Myanamar (draft)




The ABND in Myanmar receives the support of all participating agencies as well as the ILO-Japan Social Safety Net Fund and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung in Myanmar.