Social Protection, Freedom and Justice for Workers Network
Mobilizing workers for implementing and extending social protection floors (SPFs)
The Social Protection, Freedom and Justice for Workers Network was initiated in 2017 by the ILO, the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and in collaboration with members of the Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors. It aims to support workers' organisations in the promotion and defence of the right to social protection.
Building on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) target 1.3 on the implementation of nationally appropriate social protection systems and floors for all, the network offers a dedicated space where workers’ organisations can build their capacities in two dimensions:
- Advocate for social protection, including improving national social protection systems including floors
- Contribute to the design and implementation of SPFs
- Educate workers' organisations' members and the general public about the importance of social protection systems for all and the SPF approach
- Monitor social protection implementation and administration by holding national governments accountable for the enforcement of the SPF.
- Defend the right to social protection in contexts of austerity and inadequate short-term adjustments by ensuring that any social security reform is done in the context of tripartite dialogue
- Mobilize workers to articulate their voices based on ILO Conventions and Recommendations, to guarantee benefit adequacy, predictability, tripartite governance, and long-term sustainability of social security systems.
Policy materials
Guides and manuals
Social protection tools
Third Annual Meeting of the Social Protection, Freedom and Justice for Workers Network
- 27 November 2019 -
Second Webinar of the Social Protection, Freedom and Justice for Workers Network
- 23 October 2018 -
Consultation on the Social Protection, Freedom and Justice for Workers Network
- 24 October 2017 -
The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) now include decent work and social protection, thanks to the hard work of many trade unionists and allies in government. The ITUC, active across all these and the other international issues of concern to workers, has stepped up its integrated and targeted campaign work, with significant results. The race to austerity has further slashed jobs, wages, social protection and consequently dampened demand. We have participated in negotiated fiscal consolidation in many countries at different times, but we would always argue for strategies leveraging a social protection floor and a minimum wage on which people can live with dignity, broader coverage of collective bargaining, and investment in jobs.”
“African countries are now elaborating national strategies of social protection, and it is in no small part thanks to workers’ organizations which, since 2012, have been working alongside governments to ensure that social protection floors become a national priority.”
General Secretary of ITUC
ITUC Africa