The Launch of the Report "Social Protection Assessment Based National Dialogue: Towards a Nationally Defined Social Protection Floor in Indonesia"
The Bappenas and the ILO launched the report "Social Protection Assessment Based National Dialogue: Towards a Nationally Defined Social Protection Floor in Indonesia", confident that this report will be a strategic document for the development of comprehensive social protection floor in Indonesia.
The objective of the event is to launch officially the SPF assessment and share the key findings and recommendations of the report for wider audicences, as well as to discuss further on the key findings and recommendations to build more understanding of its alignment with current and future policies and programmes and to get feedbacks from relevant offices, organizations and public.
Link to the workspace on SPF Assessement in Indonesia
Please click on the name to download each presentation
Opening remarks
- ILO Jakarta Director - Peter Van Rooij
- Vice Minister, Bappenas [English/Bahasa Indonesia] - Dr. Lukita Dinarsyah Tuwo
Talk show (an hour on-air programme)
- Social Protection Floor Assessment: Concept, Process and Its Key Findings - Valérie Schmitt, Social Protection Specialist, ILO-DWT Bangkok
- Social Protection Floor in the Context of Long Term Development Plan and Post-MDGs Framework [in Bahasa Indonesia] - Dr. Ceppie K. Sumadilaga, Deputy Poverty Sector, Employment and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Bappenas
- Comment on Findings and Recommendations on the SPF Assessment from Coordinating Minister for Peoples' Welfare - Adang Sutisna, Deputy Coordinating Minister for Peoples' Welfare
- Relevance of the SPF Assessment Recommendations for the Design and Implementation of the National Social Security System - Haris E. Susanto, Member of DJSN
- The Social Protection Floor Implementation in Indonesia: Challenges and Opportunities - Dinna Wisnu, Dean of Paramadina Graduate School of Diplomacy