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Additional reading for the workshop and SPF Good Practices Guide on Integrating Social Policies and the Delivery of Social Protection Floors
Session 1 - The SPF and the need for coherent social protection strategies and coordination mechanisms
Social Protection concepts and approaches
Linking up social protection systems in developing countries
SPF for a fair and inclusive globalization
World Social Security Report 2010-2011
The strategy of the ILO: Social security for all
Recommendation concerning national floors of social protection, 2012 (No. 202)
Session 2 - Increasing out-reach of social protection through better and decentralized social protection services
Coordinating poverty alleviations programs with regional and local governments
Single Window Service in Asia and the Pacific
Session 3 - Supporting families to graduate out of poverty through integrated packages of services and transfers
Transforming Livelihoods for Resilient Futures
Skills Development as part of social protection Programmes
Session 4 - Special focus on active age population: linking employment and social protection
Comparative review of unemployment and employment insurance experiences in Asia and worldwide
Session 5 - Developing sectors of the economy through a combined set of social protection and employment measures
UNESCAP Study "The Promise Of Protection: Social Protection And Development In Asia And The Pacific"
OECD Economic Studies: Social Protection and Growth
AusAID paper series: Social protection and economic growth in Pacific Island countries
World Bank: Public Works as a Safety Net
DFID Social Protection Briefing Note: Social protection and economic growth in poor countries
Capacity building for contracting institutional assessment and contractor tracing
The evaluation of UCS on macroeconomic impacts in Thailand
A PWP as part of the NSPS: Guidelines for implementation
Session 6 - Improving transparency and traceability through management information systems
Demystifying MIS: guidelines for management information systems in social funds
Asia-Pacific Tech Monitor: Technologies for social protection