Dissemination of the ILO-EU Studies in Cambodia

The ILO/EU project “Improving social protection and promoting employment” held an event to disseminate the studies on Cambodia (English and Khmer versions) and to officially launch the pilot project on SSDM/PEOPLE Service on Tuesday, 28 May 2013. The event was organised in connection to a technical workshop on "Integrating Social Policies and the Delivery of Social Protection Floors", held at Siem Reap province, Kingdom of Cambodia, 29-31 May 2013. At the event, high level representatives from the Council for Agricultural and Rural Development, Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training, line-ministries, EU Ambassador, ILO, development partners, and experts from Asia and other countries across the world, were invited.

The programme consisted of presentations on achievements of the project, steps to be taken moving ahead, including the SSDM mechanism and the National Employment Policy development.

The presentations of the workshop (in English and Khmer) can be accessed through the links below. The studies disseminated at the event are available for download through this workspace.

Please click to see the agenda and photographs of the event.


Speeches and presentations of the event

Opening ceremony

  • Welcoming remarks by Maurizio Bussi, Director, Decent Work Technical Support Team for East and South East Asia and the Pacific, ILO
  • Welcoming remarks by H.E. Jean-François Cautain, European Union Ambassador to Cambodia, Phnom Penh
  • Welcoming remarks by H.E. Sann Vathana, Deputy Secretary General, Council for Agricultural and Rural Development, Cambodia

Presentations on the ILO/EU project Cambodia