Presentations 27 Aug

Download the agenda | Presentations: 27 Aug | Presentations: 28 Aug | Presentations: 29 Aug


27 August

Introduction - Introduction and methodology for the workshop

Presenter: Ms Valérie Schmitt, Social Security Specialist, ILO Bangkok

Click to download: Presentation


Session 1 - Introduction to social security & definitions

Presenter: Ms Valérie Schmitt, ILO Bangkok

Click to download: Presentation


Session 2 - Group Exercise “Social Security Law Assessment Matrix”

Methodology: Create the assessment matrix for existing and planned Social Security Laws and Regulations in participating countries, using a blank template provided by organisers

Facilitators: Ms Loveleen De, ILO Bangkok & Mr Thibault van Langenhove, ILO Cambodia

Click to download: Template of the Law Assessment Matrix


Session 3 - ILO Social Security Standards

Presenter: Ms Emmanuelle St Pierre, Legal Specialist, Social Security Department, ILO Geneva

Click to download: Presentation


Session 4 - Group Exercise “Social Security Law Assessment Matrix and Convention No. 102”

Methodology: Complete the matrix by assessing the conformity of existing and planned Social Security Laws and Regulations in participating countries with Convention No. 102

Facilitators: Ms Emmanuelle St Pierre, ILO Geneva & Ms Sinta Satriana, ILO Vientiane

Click to download: Template of the Comparison Matrix


Wrap up

Methodology: Participants present the Social Security Law Assessment Matrices, challenges faced in applying their national laws and regulations, and possible solutions