South-South Cooperation in Cambodia

The South-South Cooperation Initiative 

Supporting selected countries from the South in designing and implementing national Social Protection Floors

The South-South cooperation initiative is the result of a collaboration between UNDP Special Unit for South-South Cooperation and ILO. It aims at supporting countries from the South in the design, implementation, monitoring or harmonization of Social Protection Floor policies or components. Five countries have been initially selected: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Lao PDR and Togo.

 Knowledge management and sharing

The project experiences, best practices, lessons learned and other relevant information will be documented and widely disseminated through GESS and GSSD (Global South-South Development Academy).

Cambodia, the 1st country to launch the South-South Cooperation Initiative

The South-South Cooperation Initiative has been launched in Cambodia. It will be a two-year project during which Social Protection experts from South countries will be invited to share their own experience and support design of social protection policies and systems in Cambodia. The first mission took place on 24th-27th of April with Samajik Suvidha Sangam, Delhi, India. The second mission will occur in June, with NHSO from Thailand. Your will find more information on these two missions below.

A workspace to follow up on the South-South activities in Cambodia

This workspace is a public section dedicated to anyone that would like to learn more about the South-South Cooperation Initiative. The workspace aims: 

  • to share information on the South-South activities in Cambodia,
  • to share working documents, 
  • to discuss some issues.


To navigate within the workspace, please click on the links below: 

Homepage  | South-South Cooperation Initiative and Launching Event |  Exchange Mission with Samajik Suvidha Sangam, India | Exchange mission with NHSO, Thailand

1119 home
1123 Mission June
1122 Mission SSS
1120 The South South