
Global Ratification Campaign on the Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention No. 102

Campaign Overview

Based on a decision of the International Labour Conference, the ILO has launched a Global campaign to promote the ratification of Convention No.102 – the international landmark Convention establishing the minimum standard of social security.

The Campaign will take place until 2026 and has two main objectives:

  • Promote the ratification and effective implementation of Convention No. 102 and other up-to-date ILO social security standards by way of comparative assessments between national social security legislation and practice and the minimum criteria and key good governance and financing principles established by the Convention; and
  • Raise awareness and build capacities of national stakeholders to design and implement sound national social protection policies and rights-based social protection systems that are sustainable, comprehensive and adequate for all, anchored in ILO social security standards.

The Global Campaign ambitions to bring the number of ratifications to 70 in 2026 by partnering with interested ILO constituents with a view to organize tripartite + awareness-raising activities at the national level on the merits of international social security standards to build strong and rights-based social protection systems, carry out comparative assessments between the national legal social protection frameworks and the requirements of Convention No.102 and have these discussed by Government, employer and worker representatives with a view identifying potential ratification prospects and charting the way towards the ratification.

Convention No. 102 and Recommendation No. 202: the Roadmap to Universal Social Protection
ILO Director General, Gilbert F. Houngbo and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, discuss how can social protection support human rights and advance social justice?
Director, Universal Social Protection Department, International Labour Organization (ILO), Shahra Razavi 

About C102

The Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1952 (No. 102) is the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) landmark social security Convention. It is the first and only international treaty which frames social security in a holistic manner, setting out qualitative and quantitative minimum benchmarks for nine contingencies (or risks) that people face during their lives: medical care, maternity, family responsibilities, sickness, disability, employment injury, unemployment, old age, and loss of the family income earner.

Why Ratify C102

There are multiple reasons why the ratification of Convention No. 102 should be considered and placed high on any national agenda. To learn more, delve into the following resources:

Online & interactive resources:

News & Campaign Materials


Other resources

Campaign materials

Campaign «call to action» logo


Social media messages and cards img img img


Vertical cards



Get involved

Support the ratification and implementation of Convention No. 102 in your country!

The ILO is on a mission to ensure Universal Social Protection. We are urging governments and social partners (employers’ and workers’ organizations) and other relevant stakeholders worldwide to join our global campaign for wider ratification and implementation of the ILO Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1952 (No. 102). This landmark convention sets the minimum standards for nine critical social risks we are all susceptible to. By ratifying Convention No. 102, countries make an international commitment to providing social protection and fostering a more secure and just society.

Is Your Country on Board?

Take the Challenge! See if your country already meets the benchmarks outlined in Convention No. 102. The ILO is here to assist governments and social partners in conducting this assessment. We offer resources and expertise to:

  • Raise Awareness: Educate the public on the importance of social security,
  • Build Capacity: Equip governments and social partners with the tools needed for successful implementation,
  • Undertake an assessment of your national law and practice to guide the ratification process and national policy reforms.

Ratification is Just the Beginning

Once ratified, governments are responsible for translating the Convention’s principles into action. This involves adopting legislation and policies that guarantee the effective delivery of these minimum social security standards and core principles.

Together, we can create a world where everyone has access to their human right to social security.

Here’s how to get involved...

Let’s build a world where social security is a reality, not a dream!

#SocialSecurityForAll #RatifyC102 #ILOCampaign