South-South Cooperation Workshop on Coordination mechanisms in Lomé, Togo, 22nd-25th October 2012

South-South and Triangular Cooperation

Implementing gender sensitive Social Protection Floors at country level

The South-South Cooperation Initiative is the result of an increased collaboration between the UNDP Special Unit for South-South Cooperation and the ILO. It is a two year project which aims at supporting countries from the South in the design, implementation, monitoring and harmonization of Social Protection Floor policies or components.

Social protection specialists from Southern countries are invited to share their expertise in designing and implementing social protection policies and systems to support the transformation of Social Protection Floors from policy into practice in other selected countries in the South.


Mission in Lomé, Togo, 22nd-25th October 2012

Following its launch and two successful missions in Cambodia in April and June, the Iniative undertook its first mission in Togo between 22nd and 25th October 2012. As well as facilitating a number of bilateral meetings between Togolese line ministers responsible for social protection, representatives of  the ILO and other UN agencies and other development partners in Togo, the mission also included a two-day workshop. The workshop focused on the development of delivery and implementation mechanisms which will encourage effective coordination between schemes, institutions and levels of government in delivering Togo's National Social Protection Floor.

Presentations were given, and discussions led by Ms. Vandana Singh of India's Samajik Suvidha Sangam and Ms. Patricia Audi, Superintendent at Rio Sem Miséria in the Government of Rio di Janeiro, Brazil. Both speakers gave presentations on their respective programmes, and also disussed specific technical tools and techniques for implementing delivery mechanisms best suited to reaching their programmes' target populations. The aim was to explore how similar  coordination and delivery mechanisms can be designed and implemented in Togo.

Summary ¦ Concept Note ¦ Agenda ¦ Video ¦ Photos

Presentations from the workshop:

See also:

More information about social protection in Togo can be found on the Togo country profile.

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