Relevant Resources

SPF in Thailand

  1. Social Protection Floor in Thailand: ShowSpf.action?id=1

Workshop & Training workspaces:

  1. Social Protection Floor Rapid Assessment, Costing and Design: From Tools and Methodology to Practical Implementation, 15-19 November 2010: ShowProject.action?id=1155
  2. Consultative meeting on Social Protection Floor in Thailand,10 August 2011: ShowProject.action?id=1285
  3. Costing SPF Coverage Gaps in Thailand: Methodology and First Results Workshop, 30 November 2011: ShowProject.action?id=1335
  4. Launch of the publication on Social Protection Floor for a Fair and Inclusive Globalisation in Thailand, 9 Dec 2011: ShowProject.action?id=1355
  5. Civil Society Forum on Social Protection Floor in Thailand, 23 February 2012 : ShowProject.action?id=1445
  6. ILO Executive Training Seminar: Securing Development: New Paths for Social Protection, 13-14 March 2012: ShowProject.action?id=1446
  7. Assessment Based National Dialogue Workshop: "Final Results and Recommendations to the Government", 16 March 2012: ShowProject.action?id=1447
  8. Hands-on Training Course: How to Cost, Finance and Monitor Social Protection Schemes?, 15-17 May 2012: ShowProject.action?id=1585


  1. Report of the Development Cooperation Seminar on "Social Protection: Towards Universal Coverage in Thailand”, 5 November, 2010: RessShowRessource.action?ressourceId=20300
  2. The document "UNDG-AP Issues Brief on Social protection" (written by ILO & UNICEF in Nov 2011): ShowProject.action?id=1325


  1. Building Social Protection Floor in Thailand : RessShowRessource.action?ressourceId=27521
  2. SPF Joint Team in Thailand: A Replicable Experience : RessShowRessource.action?ressourceId=29828
  3. Providing universal access to health care: Learning from the Thai experience: RessShowRessource.action?ressourceId=29829

Advocacy Tools:

  1. SPF Advocacy Tools (Cool Tools): ShowProjectPage.action?pid=1295